Sunday, May 18, 2008

Talks resumed

The discussion resumed over the weekend and I feel emotionally 'opressed' by the outcome of our talks. I don't even know where to start but let me say this, I am not a happy camper with the situation as is.

I was aware going into marriage that it wasn't going to be all sunshine and roses. We took a vow to love and stand by each other because that is what you do. You are there for each other during the good, the bad and the ugly times. Only I can't decide if right now we have bad or ugly times. I tend to think the latter, given the emotional roller coaster ride I have been on lately. It makes me doubt my love, makes me doubt the feelings I have for this man that is my husband. And really? I hate to feel that way. The question remains if I can mend my feelings or if this is indeed the beginning of the end.

That being said, here is the 411 on what went down.

- his argumentation was that men are attracted to females
- it is a game for him, the chase, the excitement, the affirmation of his masculinity
- he loves me and doesn't want to lose me but he wants the sensation or thrill of something new
- he would love for me to be involved

- me? I was just so shocked I hardly got in a word and we left it at that. We did however do something that I will post more about later on during the week. Something we both could agree on. Something that was equally appalling as it was exciting.


Swistle said...

This sounds like he's saying...he's going to do it either way? with or without you?

Constance the Great said...

@ Swistle, that is what I understood as well. He did row right back saying that it isn't the case but the damage is done. How can I trust him now? We did come up with a solution for now that I will post about when I have more time ;o) Thanks for sticking around though and listening to me whine.

Athena said...

Wow. You and I should be best friends. I don't want a threesome, but Bill and I coming apart at the seems and sex is playing a role in all of that. Oh, and I would really love to be able to fall for someone else. The love's been out of our marriage for quite sometime. Stop by and see me sometime...