Friday, May 16, 2008

Threesome fears

Well isn't it funny. I come here and move into my lush pink apartment in 'Casa de Constance' and what do I do? I stop blogging. Nevertheless there are things on my mind that need to come out. Things I have been thinking about a lot lately.

See, we haven't been married for too long and things were going alright. We were busy building the life we had imagined for us. Sure, after a while you get into a daily routine but that is what I imagined married life to be like. Yeah well, this is not how that panned out.

Now the husband wants to spice up things in the bedroom. Too bad that what excites him doesn't excite me. The majority of men it seems would fancy a threesome and I am by no means prude but the other day I heard someone say that if you are in love, you have no desire to be with anyone else. So far this has been my belief as well. My other half however has no qualms about it. He's been pushing me into this direction and I am not sure if I like it. I think too many things would change.

The odd thing is, that as a fantasy the threesome is something that is on my mind a lot. And by that I mean A LOT! And we have been experimental before but I will be darned if this may not be the beginning of the end of our marriage.

I need advice. Lots of it and I need it now. Have you ever been in this position. Has it come up in your marriage and what did you do?


Swistle said...

OMG, is this the best kind of secret-pink-apartment talk or WHAT?? I am going to be checking back on this one. Does he have someone specific in mind?

Constance the 32nd said...

Boys are idiots. It's come up with us too. Here's what we did: we picked someone that we both wanted to do (usually a celebrity and it changes often to keep it spicy) and had a fantasy threesome. We talk about it beforehand, talk about what we were doing during it, what she is doing to me and to him while we are having sex. It has seem to work pretty well for us. Sometimes the stuff that goes on in your head is so much better than what goes on in real life; especially when you get to share that fantasy together. Besides, if I ever caught him doing anything like that to someone else, I would soooo make him a eunuch.

Constance the Great said...

@ Swistle, hey you're welcome to discuss this anytime.

@ Constance the 32nd, I agree with you. The fantasy would be enough for me but it isn't what he wants. I am afraid this is going to ruin our relationship. Boys really are idiots.

Constance the 32nd said...

You could always get him an inflatable doll. Or two for that matter.

Constance the 14,000th said...

obviously, experimentation is good if both partners agree. but i've heard many a time that the threesome is the kiss of death. once you go there, things are never the same. i think the great philosopher adam corolla from love line said that.